Program Homepage

About SQIP
Program Information
Staff Information

Stormwater Documents
Stormwater Brochures
Stormwater Ordinances

Stormwater Pollution Solutions
Pest Control Program
Pollution Solutions
Wastewater Pollution

Construction and New Development

Kids Page

Clean Water Business Partners

Community Action Grants

Stormwater Acronyms
Stormwater Links

Arcade Creek Project

Report a Discharge

When to make a report?

* When you notice unusual odors in or near the storm drain.

* When you find dumped waste in or near the storm drain.

* When the drainange system has unusually large flows during dry periods.

* When you see someone illegally dumping anything into the storm drain.

Note: If you are reporting an emergency situation that could result in imminent or substantial danger to the health and safety of persons, call 911.

If you want to report a contaminant flowing into a storm drain, please call Customer Service at 916-808-5454 or to make a report online, click here.