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Program Information

The City of Sacramento Stormwater Quality Improvement Program (SQIP) was established in 1990 to reduce the pollution carried by stormwater into local creeks and rivers. The Program is based on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) municipal stormwater discharge permit.
The comprehensive Program includes pollution reduction activities for construction sites, industrial sites, illegal discharges and illicit connections, new development, and municipal operations.
The Program also includes an extensive public education effort, target pollutant reduction strategy and monitoring program. The Stormwater Quality Improvement Plan (SQIP) (July 2007) outlines the priorities, key elements, strategies, and evaluation methods of the City's Stormwater Management program for 2007-2011.

Construction Element
Activities in this element reduce sediment in construction site runoff and reduce other pollutants such as litter and concrete wastes through good housekeeping procedures and proper waste management. City staff provides guidance (see Construction Manuals Page) to the development community and other City staff on the State National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (General Construction Permit). City staff also inspect and enforce the erosion, sediment and pollution control requirements in accordance with City codes (Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control ordinance).

Illegal Discharge Element
The goal of this element is to reduce the frequency of intentional or accidental discharge of pollutants into the City’s storm drainage system and local waters. City staff implement a public outreach campaign and enforce the City Ordinance to reduce inappropriate disposal of pollutants and respond to reports of non-stormwater discharges into the City’s drain system.

Industrial Element
The goal of this element is to reduce pollutants that can result from business or industrial activities. City staff provide assistance to commercial establishments to reduce inappropriate disposal of pollutants. In addition, the City funds inspections by the County of Sacramento Environmental Management Department to inspect specific types of industrial and commercial facilities for proper stormwater pollution reduction activities.

Municipal Operations Element
The City conducts numerous operational and maintenance activities that provide essential services to the community; such as, repairs and maintenance to the drinking-water distribution system, storm drainage system, and sewer system. City staff also provides the added benefit of removing pollutants from City stormwater discharged into local waterways. Some of these activities include street sweeping, sediment removal from pumping stations and pipes, debris removal from ditches and creeks, and solid waste collection services. Activities in this element reduce pollutants in runoff resulting from other municipal activities, land use areas, and facilities. City staff are provided guidance and training to reduce pollutant discharges to the maximum extent practicable.

New Development Element
Activities in this element reduce pollutants that can result from new developments. City staff provides outreach and guidance to the development community and City staff on stormwater quality planning principals and treatment controls. City staff also review new development plans and inspect the construction of new facilities.

Public Outreach Element
Public education is critical to affecting the changes in behavior necessary for significant stormwater pollution reductions. Premier programs within this element include the Clean Water Business Partner Program, a Community Grant Program, the Sacramento Bee design an ad contest participation, radio and television media campaigns, multiethnic outreach, partnerships with other agencies and businesses, and participation in community events using an interactive storm water model and exhibit.

Target Pollutant Reduction Strategy
The City participates in region-wide activities to reduce the most common pollutants in stormwater runoff. This includes strategies for mercury, pathogen, pesticide, lead and copper reduction and are described better in the Joint Annual Report. Activities include regional public outreach activities, household hazardous waste removal activities, implementation of integrated pest management, funding for statewide coalitions, and participation on statewide committees.

Monitoring Program
The monitoring program (following monitoring requirements in the NPDES Permit) includes water quality sampling of urban discharges, creeks, rivers and rainwater; toxicity analysis; and bioassessment analysis. Monitoring data is utilized in evaluating stormwater impacts to local waterways, effectiveness of pollution control measures, sources of pollution and the overall health of the local waterways. More information about river monitoring can be found at on the SRCSD website. the latest annual monitoring report can be found in the Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership Joint Annual Report (2006-2007).